Welcome to the Sampson Community Club!


Before exploring our full website, click on the Events Page to see ALL CURRENT and UPCOMING events in your community! Click this link: https://sampsonclub.org/events/


Bingo coming in January! Check back soon for details!!!

IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED! Beginning March 2025, the Squeaky Squirrel will be emailed to recipients instead of mailing copies through the USPS. The cost of postage has increased so much that we have decided to spend those dollars on improvements and upkeep of the Sampson School. We regret this change but believe it will greatly benefit the Sampson Building. So that we can create the mass email list for Squeaky Squirrel recipients, soon, please email us at sampsoncommunityclub@gmail.com and in the Subject Line type Email Squirrel, and in the body of the email share your name and email address. If you don’t receive your emailed copy of the Squeaky Squirrel in March, please email us again with information, as we don’t want to miss any of you! Also, the Squeaky Squirrel is always on this website. All copies remain here for your review. Thank you for being a part of this community!

2024 Taught Us Something…

*In the wee hours of August 1st, 2024, we learned that we really do live in an amazing place where we know we have each other’s backs. We are a solid bunch of people and I’m proud to be a part of it with you all. Thank you for your strength, kindness, support, and selflessness. See you all in 2025! (contributed by Kim Vantrease)


The Sampson Community Club is a nonprofit organization founded in 1955.  The purposes of the Sampson Community Club is to bring the canyon community together in friendship, and the preservation of the Sampson and Lamb school properties.

The Sampson Community Club, as stated, was founded in 1955 and is a non-profit organization.  Its purpose is fourfold:

· To bring the canyon community together in friendship

· The betterment of our mountain area

· The preservation of our history

· Maintaining the Sampson and Lamb School properties

Many folks believe the Sampson Community Club is exclusive to Sampson Road residents, but it’s not. It’s actually a community center for all in the area. All are welcome. This is a community hub designed for you. It’s a great place to gather in fun and fellowship through planned events, gain important information, learn about the area, share helpful information about mountain living, carpool trade, exchange ideas and other helpful information. There are so many perks associated with this community club. Everyone is invited to the events, meetings, and social gatherings held throughout the year. Each activity brings with it a lot of fun, good food, games for the kids, enjoyable time spent with neighbors and families, long visits with precious companions, and the start of new friendships. New activities are as welcome as new friends!

Membership benefits in the Sampson Community Club are as follows:

· Active membership in your own community

· Community support and involvement

· Social gatherings to enjoy food, games, and to exchange ideas and information

· Voting privileges–

· Use of the Club’s facilities at a minimal cost.

· Support of our newsletter, the Squeaky Squirrel.

We rent out both school properties for craft fairs, garage sales, meetings, neighborhood socials, parties, memorials, scout troop activities, weddings, and so much more.  The suggested donation for private building use is $30.00 per day.

  • The Sampson Community Club, 16150 Sampson Rd., Littleton, CO 80127, is located on Deer Creek Road across from the Inter-Canyon Fire Station #2.  The retired Schoolhouse will be on your right hand side just before the Sampson Road Association gate. 

Above, is a picture of The Lamb School, which was located atop High Grade Road and Kuehster Rd., “…got its name from a family named Lamb who operated a post office nearby. School opened on January 3, 1887, with 19 children.” Quote from the book, Mountain Memories, From Coffee Pot Hill to Medlen Town, edited by Betty Moynihan and Helen E. Waters. Note: The original Lamb School was built in 1886 and burned down in 1919. It was rebuilt soon after that fire. Lamb School burned down again in 2012 in the Lower North Fork fire. It was not rebuilt. The Sampson Community Club still owns the property and will set a memorial soon.

The Sampson Community Club’s Board of Directors are elected for 2-year terms. The election is held during the annual Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner. All active members are encouraged to vote as well as contact their Board members with comments, concerns, questions, or ideas for desired events.

INTERESTING FACT: Early Colorado Ski Hills…below you can read the history and origins of this area’s ski history.

Click the link to read Lew Hopkins’ piece about Covert L. Hopkins, the Designer, Developer and Operator of the Ski Hills! ⛷️⛷️
